Thursday, June 28, 2012

Project 365: Day 125

Speaking of the devil.....
Ok, so it's still not the view from the planetarium, but I finally made it out for an evening in Chicago. I got to my hotel around 7:30 and had to decide between working out and walking to the pier. Since I've been here soooo many times and never done anything worth mentioning before, I figured it was time to venture out into the city. My hotel was only 1.5 miles from the pier so it was perfect for a (muggy) evening walk.

I tried to wait until it was pitch dark, to get a nice photo, but by the time I got this shot I had already been there over an hour listening to some pretty pitiful dualing "piano's" (read: keyboards) and was sick of waiting for the night to come, so I snapped this shot and headed home. Not too shabby, though....

I have to say, Chicago is a BIG city. Coming here makes me feel like Denver really IS a cow town. That's ok though, for me Denver is like the momma bear's poridge in Goldi Locks, it's just right!

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